Here I am.

I’ve been wanting to do this for quite some time.

For those of you who have known me for many years, you may remember when I used to send out email journal entries.  I like to think I was blogging before blogging was a thing, but I didn’t have a platform except for email.

Now, thanks to a few eloquent colleagues and an IT savvy husband, I’ve moved onto the WordPress platform and will begin blogging in earnest (I hope!).

Being an Emergency Physician, mother of two, wife and human can get quite busy.  It’s hard to find time to sit down and write, let the creative juices flow, put words to paper (or screen as the case is these days).

I’ve come to the realization over the last few years as an attending staff, that I need a place to open up and decompress.  I’m tired of coming home and keeping it all bottled up inside.  It’s too much to bear, as so many physicians could attest.  What we do daily is hard stuff – never mind the joys and perils of motherhood on top of that.  Being a doctor can be a lonely profession, when it comes to discussing the emotions that run rampant every day.  I’m lucky in that over the last year or two I’ve become part of a supportive online community of people like me, and have found a space there to at times discuss my day.

But now, I am ready for the next step.  Ready to let the world in.  I have a lot to say, lots of stories to tell.  My patients’ worlds affect me, as much as I affect their lives when they present to my Emergency Department.  I carry them inside my heart, and there is much value in the things they teach me.  I would like to share it with you.

Come along, and I hope the ride will be interesting.

12 thoughts on “My First Blog Post

  1. Hey! Welcome to WordPress. The Email Journal Entries thing made me laugh. The early days of the internet seem so long ago now…

    Definitely intrigued by your blog! I’ll be sure to come back and check it out!



  2. Welcome to WordPress!! I’m relatively new and I feel the same exact way about just needing a space to decompress, that’s EXACTLY why I made my “mom blog” too lol. I am so looking forward to reading more posts!! 🙂


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